Satria Classes

CQC Academy is now offering Satria Fighting Arts in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti!! 


What is Satria Fighting Arts?

The Satria Fighting Arts (SFA) is a dynamic and highly effective ancient martial art and a unique Yoga system. Although its lineage date back to Vedic culture, SFA remains highly effective in all aspects of Self-Defense and is highly applicable to today’s society. SFA also promotes health and wellness through moving meditation and the Satria Yoga system. These practices help to heal trauma, emotional pain, as well as body aches and pains by balancing and integrating both the body and the mind. The Satria Yoga postures are derived from the SFA and promote the natural/proper body mechanics when practicing the postures. Because Satria Yoga is derived from SFA the postures can also be used for Self-Defense but trained without the combative element to it. Training to heighten levels of awareness is also a crucial part of the training.

What does Satria mean?

“SATRIA” is the modern word for “Kysatria”
The history of the Satria (Warrior) Fighting Arts, taught by Guru Ma Prem and passed on by Pendekar Steven Benitez, dates back to the Vedic era; a time when the “Kysatrias” (Warriors) protected the Priests and the sacred texts (written in Sanskrit) as they traveled to far and distant lands to spread the Dharma.
For more history on Satria visit
Do I have to be in shape for Satria?
The benefits of practicing this art, are for everyone; male and female, young or old, beginner or advanced practitioners in martial arts or yoga, for the physically conditioned as well as the unconditioned individual.

Satria is taught in 3 categories of practice:

Bela Diri (Self-Defense) – Kembangan (Flower Dance) – Satria Yoga